The cost of our translation rates are determined by 5 main factors:

  • The volume of content to translate
  • The timeframe required
  •  The type of content
  •  The language pair
  • The quality required

Using the factors above to work out the cost of a job to translate a 10,000 word medical manual from Icelandic to English in 48 hours, would incur higher fees whereas a job to translate 10,000 words of general Spanish text into English over 7 days may come in at a rate that is only a quarter of the price.

As a rule the more content you have the lower the cost per word, this is due to the fact that the bigger the job the faster the translators actually work, and therefore the less time taken which results in lower fees to us and savings passed on to you

Not all languages are equal.  Some language pairs such as Spanish to English have many highly skilled translators working locally and in other Spanish speaking nations.  Their market forces mean that these translators cost less in fees than other language pairs. In other languages such as English to Korean it is harder to find the same number of skilled translators and therefore there is a premium price for some language pairs.

As with most services if you require a quicker service there is normally a premium cost to get the service faster and put it in a priority and translations are no different. Most translators work at around 4,000 words per day , so if you need more than 10,000 words in 48 hours it is going to require more than one translator and then also a review at the end which has an additional cost. Tight timeframe projects generally require more project management to ensure nothing goes wrong and also means translators have to be shifted off other projects, all of which affects the price.

At English365 Academy we work on the theory that all our translations are accurate, have the correct context and are free from typos, so for 98% of projects this is fine. For some projects that require an additional proofread by a second translator, is going to the presses, or has content that is hard to translate – e.g. a book about an abstract subject then the cost of the translation rate and therefore the price go up accordingly.

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